Repair Services
Ryan Pereira offers a variety of services to properly maintain your instruments and enhance the sound, feel, and playability. This can range from a simple tune-up to a full overhaul. Ryan works on all types of clarinets, whether you play Bb, A, Eb, Alto, Basset, Bass, etc. Repair services include:
Cleaning, Polishing, Oiling (Keys and Wood)
Bumper Replacements
Cork Replacements
Spring Adjustments/Replacements
Key Height Adjustments
Pad Venting Adjustments
Key Fitting
Tenon/Socket Fitting
Noise Reduction
Repadding - Cork, Valentino, Leather, or Skin Pads
Cork Pad Beveling
Tone Hole Cleaning
Tone Hole Resurfacing
Barrel/Bell Matching
Wood Treatment/Repair
Crack Repair

Student Instrument Services
Many student instruments have pads with a very short useful life. Playing an instrument that leaks and feels terrible is no way for a student to develop. Services include a Valentino (synthetic, quiet, long-lasting) re-pad, a full overhaul service, or general repairs at my hourly rate to give students options. In addition, if a student has a set budget, a repair package can be worked out to get the clarinet back into great performance shape while staying within budget. Ask about my "Overhaul Minus" service, which offers the services of the student overhaul, but preserves some materials that still hold a good lifespan, saving on cost.
Student Instrument Re-Pad - $200 (add $35 for cork pads on the upper joint)
Student Instrument Overhaul - $400
Professional (Wood) Instrument Services
Professional Overhauls are designed to get an instrument to play at its very best - period. This is why I offer one overhaul option at a reasonable price point rather than various subcategories of overhauls. This service includes a full cleaning/polishing, oiling of the wood and mechanism, bumper and cork replacement, full key fitting, tone hole refinishing, full re-pad, beveling of certain cork pads, and a final play-testing. You may request a certain pad selection or use my recommendation (pad recommendations may vary depending on the model of the instrument). You can also choose to have a barrel and/or bell matched to your instrument to allow it to reach a new level of playability and find a new tonal palette. If you are on a budget, a repair package can be worked out to get your clarinet into great performance shape while staying within your budget. Also, ask about my "Overhaul Minus" service, which offers the services of a full overhaul, but preserves some materials that still hold a good lifespan, saving on cost.
Professional Instrument Re-pad - $300 (+$150 for Low C bass clarinets)
Professional Instrument Full Overhaul - $700 (+$250 for bass clarinets)
Hourly Shop Rate - $90/hr
Use the contact page for information regarding brand-new instrument set-up packages and options!
Why use my services?
Aside from the many years of training and performing as a clarinetist (I hold a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Clarinet Performance), a craftsman, an acoustician, and a repairman specializing in clarinet repair, I have spent years finding the right settings that yield the best possible results in a variety of musical settings. This ranges from pad selection, key heights, beveling of cork pads, barrel tapers/bell flares, and many more factors. My services also feature quick turnaround times and many jobs can be completed on the spot.
Having owned and played more than just Buffet clarinets, and as someone on the roster as a Selmer Paris artist, I've discovered certain qualities and tendencies in different types of clarinets. Therefore, I do not have a "cookie-cutter" process for getting a clarinet to perform at its best. I can also tailor repairs to qualities that an artist likes, such as a warmer sound with smoother legato or more focus and "ping." In addition, if a customer has particular preferences, such as pad choice, I am happy to fulfill the customer's needs at no additional charge.
Furthermore, I believe getting your instrument(s) serviced should be an exciting and rewarding experience. For that reason, I keep very competitive prices so artists never have to compromise on getting their clarinets to reach their top potential. I will happily give a free evaluation/quote in person or generate an estimate by submitting an online inquiry.